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Welcome to aoxoaWiki. I was looking for a place to keep notes, tricks and assorted reminders on how to do things that I come across in my work. I originally thought a blog would work, but it's not organized all that well. We started using a wiki on one of the projects I am working on, and I realized this was the correct tool!!! I hope you will find this useful as well.

Operating System

Apple IOS


Microsoft Windows

OpenSuSE Linux

Oracle Unbreakable Linux

Oracle VirtualBox


IoT Internet of Things

Adafruit Feather HUZZAH with ESP8266 WiFi

Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout

Arduino Uno

Nvidia Jetson TX2

Onion Omega

Raspberry Pi

Hardware Projects

STEM Projects




Application Software

Bugzilla - bug tracking software

chkrootkit - security software

CocoaPods - a dependency manager for Cocoa projects

Codename One - multi-platform development tools - WAMP messaging

cs2cs - see PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections Library

Django - Python-based web development framework

Drupal - content management system

drush - see Drupal - command line administration for Drupal

Enterprise Architect - Sparx's Modeling Tool

git - version control software

GnuCash - book keeping software

Homebrew - Package manager for OSX/Linux

JSON - Lightweight Data-Interchange Format

Lynis - security audit tool

MariaDB - see MySQL

MediaWiki - wiki software

Minecraft - the game

Moodle - online course management software

Mosquitto - MQTT Message Brokering system for publishing and subscribing

Mylyn - task management system within Eclipse

MySQL - database software

Oracle - database software (and more)

Photoshop - image editing software

php - a server-side scripting language

PostgreSQL - database

PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections Library

Python - programming language

QGis - GIS (Geographic Information System) software

QT - UI builder

rkhunter - security software

Ruby On Rails - web development framework

Samba - file sharing

SQLite - database software (lightweight)

ssh - secure shell

StatCounter - website statistics

TestDisk - disk recovery tool

Tomcat - web server

Tripwire - security software

Unison2 - Usenet News reader

VirtualBox - virtual computer software

WAMP - Web Application Messaging Protocol - see

XCode - iOs & Mac IDE